The new update of the Ventor app (Barcode scanners for Odoo Community and Enterprise), version 2.1.1 (1.7.5 on Google Play), is here.
Update your app to the latest version to get new features.
Download a 14-day free trial here if you haven’t had a chance to test the app yet.
Release notes for the version 2.1.1
- The “Hold all Filters” button on the Filter screen (hold and reset filters during a user session)
- Multi-selection of pickings for the Batch Picking
- Unpack packages in the “Quick Info” and the “Internal transfers” menus
- Lots/Serial Numbers support for the “External transfers” menu (Odoo 12-14 Community and Enterprise)
- Fix printing for Odoo 14
- Fix in Inventory Adjustment for Odoo 14
- General bugfix and improvements
Release notes for the version 2.1.0
- Fixed issue related to wrong movements using the “Internal Transfers” menu
Release notes for the version 2.0.9
- Restrict changing settings in the Ventor app ( “Ventor Custom Access Rights” Odoo app should be installed (ventor_base for Odoo 14 and higher))
- Show not reserved quants of products in the “Warehouse Operations” menu (in the TODO tab)
- Split a product line to deliver in different locations from input zone to stock
- General bugfix and improvements
Release notes for the version 2.0.8
- Added support of carrier delivery packages (scanning of package barcode)
- Added possibility to scan a license key to do not insert it manually
- Added the Ukrainian language pack
- General bugfix and improvements
- Printing of product labels via Odoo direct print
Suggest your feature
Are you a Ventor user or just testing the app and found the app useful but have no really needed feature? Drop us a mail and describe a business issue. Add screenshots and explain how you would like to improve the app. We will read all emails and choose the best one to implement for free or with a good discount!
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Marketing manager at VentorTech