In this guide, you will learn how to connect a Bluetooth or Wired barcode reader to your android mobile device via Ventor (inventory management app for Odoo ERP) to speed up your warehouse operations.
You can also connect a barcode scanner to your Odoo WMS in other ways:
- Using Ventor app on your android phone to scan using a built-in camera
- Using Ventor app and professional mobile barcode terminals / handheld computers
- Install the Ventor app on your device (Download APK);
- Connect to your Odoo instance (Odoo 8 – Odoo 13, CE and EE);
- Connect your external barcode scanner through bluetooth to mobile phone or tablet;
- Activate appropriate setting in Ventor app. Go to the settings menu > ‘Ventor configurations’ and turn on the setting “External barcode scanner”;
- To check how it works you can go to “Info” menu and scan a barcode of any product you have using the external scanner.
We also made for you this short video instruction:
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Hola buenas:
Deseamos utilizar Ventor para un Odoo 12 V.Community, en tabletas Samsung Galaxy Tab Active2 ( con Android 9), podrian indicar posibles modelos de escanner bluetooth probados ?.
Hello Maximo,
we use it with some no-name Chinese scanners in our office. Ventor should work with any barcode scanner if it can successfully connect to your device and scan a barcode in third-party apps (notepad, browser, or any).
Don’t forget to activate a setting “external barcode scanner”
I have a problem on my device, when i using Bluetooth scanner is work and can show the information instantly , but when i using the internal scanner, it doesn’t work instantly
Hello Kenji,
What do you mean doesn’t work instantly? Can you please record a video?
When we scan our products with our Chinese handheld with buildin scanner, it doesn’t work. For instance, if we scan the EAN barcode of a product in ‘Quick info’ we get the message ‘No items found for barcode: …..’.
External barcode setting is ‘on’ in the system settings. We can scan products properly if we tap ‘Product’ first in ‘Quick info’. A text input field appears than and after scanning the barcode it searchs the product.
Hello Wouter,
please check out this instruction
Especially the fifth point
Return to me if it didn’t help
Hi Vasily,
Great, this worked us. Thanks!